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Mieko Asada
Location: 387 5th Avenue, Brooklyn
Instagram: @mieko_artforms
Facebook: Mieko Asada
I struggle to describe my paintings. Somebody else might do this better. That said, I strongly believe that the paintings speak for themselves.
What I paint seems to pertain to human figures but I am not human figure painter. When I put my paint on the canvas I don’t think I have a preconceived idea of what my painting would be, but my work is to discover the painting as it emerges. I want my paintings to be free and strong showing relationship, gesture, movements, color, and shape combined with emotional and intelligent force.
My art work is a tribute to two teachers. David Loeffler Smith at Swain School of Design taught me to see, and apply what I see. Creating space to impose my preferences. Sal Scarpitta at MICA graduate study simply said “ Take off your stockings!” in another words “ Show yourself.” I hope my recent paintings show who I am.
“I like to pose as a simple realist just painting what I see, but I know that’s not quite true.” —David Loeffler Smith
I quite agree with this.
Currently a member of Arts Gowanus and JAA Japanese calligraphy (3rd Dan with teaching certificate)
Maryland Institute Graduate School of Painting MFA
Swain School of Design BFA
Brooklyn Museum Art School
Notre Dame Women’s College, Kyoto, Japan BA
Multiple group exhibitions including in New Bedford, MA, Baltimore, MD and Brooklyn, New York