Lynn Cole
Location: 191 Berkeley Place
As someone trained in graphic design and also committed to environmental activism, I can no longer separate these activities from art making. They all blur together.
My most current body of work is in response the climate emergency we are experiencing. Symbolizing urgency for meaningful action during the 12-year window established by the U.N. in 2018, it is my intention that this series generates thoughtful conversation and a move to action. In these small works, a square that obscures part of the image beneath represents the one year since the U.N. released its 2018 statement. The artworks come with 11 additional squares of semi-transparent vellum, each to be placed in succession on the piece, obscuring more of the image and annually tracking the narrowing of the 12-year window of time.
Other pieces include personal works from life, again with a focus on environment. They include images from nature (trees as keepers of carbon; birds as beings endangered by global heating) and collages, using found objects from my yard and compost bin as well as paper samples from my graphic design work and papyrus from Egypt.
All pieces include some combination of watercolor, rubber stamp, pencil and collage and are a joy to create.