Judith Eloise Hooper
Location: 489 14th Street, #4R, bell 8 (btwn 8th Ave & Prospect Park West)
Website: juditheloisehooper.wordpress.com
Art is my journey. I don't have a grand plan for it other than to follow the road it lays out before me and to be true to the experience. I like being surprised by where it leads me, and in the exploration of each new direction I learn where to go next. From my earliest memory I just like making things, a painting, a dress for my doll, or a poem.
Fashion illustration led to children's book illustration and with the need to be less chatty I got into working in clay to transform the way I thought and become more involved with shapes than detail. The fact that I stayed involved in clay for 36 years moving from making bowls and platters to landscapes says it has been a rewarding transformation.
But my love of art is something I love to share not only by creating and exhibiting what I make, but also by teaching the joy of creating to those for whom life has been a challenged in some way. That road of teaching led me to paper collage portraits and it is a parallel path to the landscapes filled with shapes, color and texture that hopefully invite you into my journey.