For the mere fact of my birth as female, I am a second class citizen and I have feelings about this. Working for me, has been about how to convey these feelings.
Since 2016, I’ve became hyper vigilant because of a very conservative and anti minority and anti women forces that has come to power in our government. My vigilance came in the form of watching nightly news and listening to public radio and political podcasts.
When Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the SupremeCourt. Christine Blasey Ford decided to stand up and tell her story about how Mr. Kavanaugh, when he was a very entitled youth, attacked her with the intention of rape.
As I set and watched the hearing, memories of Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas came forward. I was hopeful though, that we all had progress since then. I was shocked and angered when I realized we had not.
The Kavanaugh series of sculptured reliefs in clay, was begun while the hearing was being televised. The format is pictorial because I want to tell stories about the human beings enmeshed in this tragic drama. My hope is that they will help open up a dialogue about sexism, racism and other systemic injustices in our society.